This last week with the wonderful spring weather that we have been having, Mrs H and I have spent a lot of time out in the garden. The Tomatoes and peas were planted out, and the various Paprikas’ (sweet peppers), Aubergines and Chilli plants were re-potted . The grass was cut and lots of little outstanding jobs were completed. In the heat of the afternoon sun we made a start on tiding up the cellar. This will be an ongoing process. Amongst all this we even found time for a visit to the gym. My losing weight plan is still on target. Aim your goals low enough and you’ll always reach them.
Earlier in the week we discovered that bees have made their home in our roof. I’ve found how they got in and the bees seem quite small and of a slight reddish colour. They seem quite harmless, but they don’t like it if you lift the roof tile and wiggle around a bamboo stick for a few seconds. Infact they did become quite pissed off. I decided to retreat and leave them to it.
A couple of days later the Juniorette came down stairs to inform me that she thought there was a Hornet upstairs. Indeed there was, and a queen at that ( if I looked closely I could actually see the crown). I tried taking photos but they were all a bit out of focus (see photo above). I guess Hornets are not known for their photogenic qualities. It tended to move around a bit, and when it took off the sound was something akin to a little helicopter in flight. When it seemed agitated I ushered it out of the window as I know these things can be a bit troublesome. A work mate of mine was hospitalised by a gang of Hornets a few years ago, and I didn’t fancy getting a royal stinging.
If my Mum reads this then 'Happy Mothers Day'. I'm not sure if its Mothers Day in the UK as well today (it hasn't been the same on other years in the UK), but it seems to be everywhere else.
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