Weird Science

Have you ever had one of those moments when you wake up the morning after the night before, and have a slight nagging in the back of your head that something happened last night, but you can't remember it. Well here's the good news. When you have next over indulge of your favourite tipple, if you concentrate hard enough, those lost memories will come flooding back. The bad news is that remembering is not always such a good idea!
Many years ago whilst working on Ascension Island I did several drinking experiments to benefit mankind in general. One of those proved the above. It took a long time to prove as several hurdles needed to be overcome. The biggest of these was actually forgetting that I had remembered in the first place. This was eventually solved by writing my findings down whilst heavily under the influence. Dechyphering the spider scrawl that I had produced for my sober self was rather difficult. Believe me this took many attempts.
So the general outcome of this is that we probably store all memories somewhere in our brain. It's just that when we are blitzed we store them in a different location. We just dont know how to access them when in a sober state. I believe a simular process happens with dreams. Everybody dreams, but a lot of people never remember them, but it is possible to remember dreams that you have never recalled whilst being awake. You just need to know how to access them.
A few years later after my original research a team at a university in Wales also discovered that lost memory due to drinking wasn't really lost at all. But I knew that anyway. I was just to pissed (drunk) to tell anyone.