Freenet are shit

Last month we confronted a Freenet promotion stand in Marburg and were told that quite often ordering via the internet didn't always work out so well. We were given a form to fill in, and the address of a man responsible for Freenet in our area to send the form to. We were promised that we would have DSL within 2 weeks. We didn't take that too seriously, and quite rightly so. It's way over the 2 week mark and we haven't heard a dicky bird from Freenet.
Yesterday Mrs H sent them another email, to which they replied that they are still awaiting a reply from T-Com to find out if DSL is available in our area. Unbelievable, after 6 months they have done jackshit. My neighbours have DSL so it is available. To my surprise Mrs H replied with an email saying that if we don't have a working solution within 3 weeks they can ram their signed contract right up their arse. Most excellent. I personally would have added that we know where they live, and that the horses head is in the post.
So without making a claim to have crystal balls (I know I do not, as I've seen the ultra sound pictures), I think I can safely predict that in 3 weeks nothing will have happened. We will then order DSL from T-Com. This of course means I will probably be writing another post in 6 months titled 'T-Com are shit'
Technorati Tags: Internet, Marburg, DSL