Yesterday was the Juniorettes last day of her second school year, and she finally got to receive her first school report. She was very proud of herself, and she had good reason too. She attained a one in every subject except sport, where she was awarded a two. This is quite ironic considering the amount of swimming and football she does, but the school sport seems to be more biased towards jumping over objects, and throwing things. In a nutshell we were over the moon with her results and the comments in her report indicated that her social skills were developing just fine as well.
Since I have started playing football again I have been suffering from
Shin Splints (medial tibial stress syndrome), and to help combat the effects of this I attended physiotherapy this week. Hopefully my Physio can help me. She cleared up the problem I used to have with my sciatic nerve; the trouble is I couldn’t explain in German exactly what
Shin Splints were. Looks like I will be needing the help of Herr Google before my next physio session!
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School report Shin splintsLabels: Football, Health, Juniorette, School
I had shin splints a while ago and a friend told me my shoes were probably responsible. I bought myself a new pair of trainers and haven't suffered from shin splints since. Maybe your trainers have had their day and could do with replacing....
Congrats to Juniorette!!! You must be so proud!!!
Are you playing football or soccer?
Congratulations to Juniorette on the fantabulous report card!
Congrats to the Juniorette!
And I wouldn't sweat it over sports (no pun intended!), that has always proved to a fairly biased, unimportant course.
Well that's excellent. Congratulations Juniorette. I really think they shouldn't even award marks in things like sport, art or music. It's all so subjective. Our youngest is extremely artistic and can do complicated sketches but he never gets better than a 2 in art because they do such silly things and he doesn't like to follow the strict rules.
Hi, Glad to hear juniorette is doing so well at school,but the sport thing is probably about the sort of things that are seeable on sports day, so don't worry.Also keep the good old flag flying.
"and the comments in her report indicated that her social skills were developing just fine"
See this report in the Scotsman (Scroll dow to the 'what teachers say and what they mean bit'). I'm sure the juniorette is doing fine though with all those 1s. I remember that it took me a while to grasp that a 1 was the positive end of the scale. I remember jumping to the godson's defence when he'd received a 3 in German; "Ah, but he's got a 6 in English - maybe I'm helping?"
As a runner I always heard about "Schienbeinkantensyndrom" - although a good warm-up has (so far) prevented me being affected.
Well done, Juniorette! As for the 'old man', you could always blame the equipment, the weather or something, when your body starts seizing up on you! ;-) More seriously, give yourself time with those physio sessions. You cannot give up on footie, can you?
congrats to juniorette! And quite ironic for the sports..
Try also getting some insoles or inserts for your shoes. I've found this to help out 100% more than having old ones. This might help you especially since I've noticed improvement with this same problem.
I am not the least surprised about the Juniorette's results! She is such a sweet girl and her father is always making her life interesting! WTG Juniorette - and parents!
I'm with Ms Mac. I cleared up a case of shin splints by purchasing a pair of Saucony sneakers... they had better support and great cushion. Sorry to hear of your pains though!
Give up on football or join my husband on saturdays.. you could hurt together. M E N honestly !!!!
Wow! A 2 in sports. That is surprising. However, the rest is not. Glad to hear that she is doing so well.
I had shin splints once. It was horrible. I feel your pain.
Congrats to Juniorette. Fabulous! :)
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Peter Faulknet
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