Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
The Winter Break
After the game we walked into town to visit the Christmas market. It was without doubt the best one I have visited so far in
Labels: Football, Juniorette, Werder Bremen
Monday, December 10, 2007
Girls wanted

The whole event was very well organised and the kids had a lot of fun. Renate Lingor (member of this years Women’s world Cup winning team) was on microphone to commentate on events and provide instructions. Several other 1.FFC
The mix between training and tournament was about spot on, and the Juniorette was very happy that her group attained first place for her age group in the training stations. What made me happy was the quality of football. If this event was anything to go by then
Labels: Frankfurt, Juniorette, Womens Soccer
Friday, December 07, 2007
The idyllic coin

Of course there are always two sides to every idyllic coin, and this week the new virus lab opened up in
Labels: Enviroment, Marburg
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
The tram nutter

Without even thinking about it I made eye contact, then looked at his ciggie, and then shook my head. He said something I didn't quite catch (as I had Mötorhead playing rather loudly on my mp3 player), so I told him its not allowed to smoke on the tram. It was about this point I realised he was a nutter, as he then kept on going on about losing his rucksack and other stuff I didn't understand. I told him not to worry about it, but at the next stop he got off and in doing so wished me a safe journey home (not sure how he knew I was going home and not to work). He then just stood in the road, and I had the terrible feeling that I had just thrown him off the tram. I really felt quite guilty about it, as, after all he was a harmless nutter who just seemed to have lost his rucksack and was probably having a smoke to calm himself down.
Sunday, December 02, 2007

Here are the details of the award: Those people I've given this award to are encouraged to post it on their own blogs; list three things they believe are necessary for good, powerful writing; and then pass the award on to the five blogs they want to honour, who in turn pass it on to five others, etc., etc. Let's send a roar through the blogsphere! The image at the top left can be copied and pasted onto other blogs. Also, a small size of the award for sidebars can be found over at the writing circle site.
My tips to good and powerful blog writing are:
- Content is the most important thing. It should be interesting.
- Not too long an article as many people have short attention spans (me included)
- Pictures of naked women do help (not really, but I couldn’t really think of a good third one!)
So for my award nominees (I know it's only 3!)
Bob Gentry – Bob’s Journal was one of the first blogs I came across in the blogosphere and I have been reading ever since. He is also a very talented singer/songwriter and his music really rocks!
Red Baron – Der Roter Baron writes some very thought provoking posts. He tackles the more serious political issues in the world, and isn’t afraid to say what he thinks. I like his style.
Beaman’s World – A very powerful writer who has written some extremely good short stories and beautiful poetry.
Labels: Meme