Last evening my mother flew in from the
UK (her arms were very tired) to spend Christmas with us and to accompany us on our holiday to
Florida. Luckily she flew in from
Bristol and not Heathrow, as the
London airport has been fog bound for days. Many flights have been cancelled, creating havoc, and causing heartache for a lot of travellers over the festive season.
Our travel problems started when we returned to our car and it wouldn’t start. The engine turned over lovely, but it sounded like none of the plugs were firing. After flooding the engine a couple of times we resorted to calling the ADAC to come help us, but they reckoned they would take an hour to reach us. I didn’t try to start the Octavia again for 30 mins and at the next attempt it fired up ok. Mrs H promptly cancelled the call to the ADAC and we headed home to Marburg. Whilst leaving the car park the engine idling speed was extremely high for about a minute and then settled down, so I suspect the engine management unit is starting to get a bit flakey. Fortunately the new car arrives in February, and this one is effectively (traded in) sold already.
This is probably my last post before Christmas, so the seasons greetings to everyone, and I hope you all have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.
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